Short films

Short films archive
Site en français
Official site of the Kino movement
Kino’00’s mission is to help new, talented filmmakers emerge and to support the production and promotion of professional artists' work already evolving within our organization. Their site is unfortunately only in french but there's still stuff to be done and seen in there. As the director of the monthly kino presentations I strongly suggest to look for a Kino cell in your city. “Do well with nothing, do better with little, and do it now!”  


Author: Jules Saulnier


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Official site of the Kino movement

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Additional information

Space: N.A.
Rating: G
Date published: 2011-11-21
Format: Wallpaper
General quality: 9
People's score: No scores to count

Tags: kino amateur short films movement world


Kino 00
859, Boul. de Maisonneuve est,
suite 201
Montréal (Québec)
H2L 1Y8

Directeur Général
François Toussaint

Directeurs Artistiques
Jules Saulnier
François Jacob

Directeur des Projections mensuelles
Olivier Bonenfant
Directeur technique
Benoît Laplante

Directrice des partenariats
Pascale Marcotte

Coordonatrice des ventes pour le gala Kino VIP
Marie-Louise Gariepy

  Order results by: Date | Score | Name | Length


From Japan
Pictures, videos and scans taken in Japan.
2004   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 8
See details

The centurion
What is a centurion? Find out what it is and play online on a small flash application that even throws mini-games at you if you want.
2003   |   Length/Space: 100 k   |   Score: 7
See details

A website created in late 2003 for one purpose: To give independent filmmakers an outlet to hone their skills
2010   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 6
See details

Jules Saulnier's website. An enormous amount of original short films available there.
2004   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 9
See details

Order results by: Date | Score | Name | Length
| | |

Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

Olivier Bonenfant - All rights reserved - 2003-2020 - www.multimediaintegrator.com