Short films

Short films archive
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The centurion
What is a centurion? Find out what it is and play online on a small flash application that even throws mini-games at you if you want. Hint: it's a drinking game for advanced drinkers. Play online, drink online.  

Enter the drinking game!

Author: Olivier Bonenfant


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The centurion

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Additional information

Space: 100 k
Rating: 18+
Date published: 2003-03-24
Format: Wallpaper
General quality: 7
People's score: No scores to count



Design and programming - Olivier Bonenfant

Must be 18 years old in Quebec to enter the site or legal drinking age in your region/state.

Be responsible. That's serious.

  Order results by: Date | Score | Name | Length


Official site of the Kino movement
Kino’00’s mission is to support the production and promotion of artists' work evolving within our organization.
2011   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 9
See details

From Japan
Pictures, videos and scans taken in Japan.
2004   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 8
See details

A website created in late 2003 for one purpose: To give independent filmmakers an outlet to hone their skills
2010   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 6
See details

Jules Saulnier's website. An enormous amount of original short films available there.
2004   |   Length/Space: N.A.   |   Score: 9
See details

Order results by: Date | Score | Name | Length
| | |

Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

Olivier Bonenfant - All rights reserved - 2003-2020 - www.multimediaintegrator.com