Short films

Short films archive
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These are all heroic friends disguised as actors, directors and technicians working hard to present you exclusive short films.

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SynapticTV administrator

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Dany (Biobazar) Janvier
Musical genius

Olivier Bonenfant
SynapticTV admin

Christian Brisebois-Rondeau
Multitask robot

Gabriel Cantin
Portable entertainement

Francis Dallaire
Punk star

Alexand Fournier

Iphigénie Frey
Agitated muse

Alexandre Gauthier
Confusely cool

Jean-Philippe Hébert
Happy driver

Isabelle Marcotte

Gabriel Sanvido
Social critic

Mathieu St-Arnaud
Funny military man

Lisa Agata
Sweet and sleepy

Marie-Joelle Boucher
Party girl

Amanda Brunet-Piercey

Guillaume Cholette
Show beast

Karine Delisle
She can beat you

Rémi Francoeur
Hosts your life

Josua Gaumond-Lacerte

Maxyme Grenier-Delisle

Rex Hicks
From Keokuk!

Vincent Nadeau
Outstandingly cool

Jules Saulnier
Short films guru

Mathieu Trudel
Reformed party boy

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Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

Olivier Bonenfant - All rights reserved - 2003-2020 - www.multimediaintegrator.com