Short films

Short films archive
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Iphigénie Frey
Agitated muse
While she bounces everywhere and seems to makes everyone happy around her, she stays an experienced microbiologist coming from the Université de Montréal. Her professionalism, willpower and joyful presence makes her an excellent collaborator and actress to this site and it continues. Her own films will soon be on this site. Audacious films in her collection...

Web: http://www.synaptictv.com/
Email hapfroggy@hotmail.com

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Filmography of Iphigénie Frey:

Vibrator saves the space queens - Queen
Shiny escorts - Robot
Haikus - Various
Doritos Guru Spots - Ninja
The action film - Friend of Mathieu Shadowrun: Crossing Shadows - Gang girl The impossible error - Pregnant girl Period - Host

Lisa Agata
Sweet and sleepy

Amanda Brunet-Piercey

Karine Delisle
She can beat you

Isabelle Marcotte

Marie-Joelle Boucher
Party girl

Cynthia Caron
Sporty spice

Iphigénie Frey
Agitated muse

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Skins: STV Classic | SynapticOrgasm | Mars | Cyber-punk | DOS

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